Category: Blog

What Should I Do If I am Injured In An Accident?

It may shock you to learn that over 6 million motor vehicle accidents occur each year in the United States. Unfortunately, this means that you stand a very good chance of being injured in one at some point in your life. As a car accident lawyer can explain, few events are more disconcerting than being
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Good Books Worth Reading

I had always read widely, especially in biographies, history and business management.  But what I now began to devour were books having to do specifically or even tangentially with the practice of law.  In time I would develop the habit of reading trial advocacy books for half an hour to an hour each day, early
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Andersen’s Dozen

ANDERSEN’S DOZEN Here are 12 of the books that Medford attorney Kelly Andersen recommends to trial attorneys, especially those specializing in plaintiff’s personal injury cases. This post is made in conjunction with an article published in the Oregon State Bar’s Bulletin.   “Now What Makes Juries Listen,” by Sonya Hamlin Hamlin, a thought leader in
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Bicycle Accident Lawyer Medford OR

Bicycle Accident Lawyer Medford Oregon Personal injuries from bike accidents are not to be taken lightly. Another party’s negligent behavior can cause substantial damage to a bicyclist’s well-being. Consequently, we work to ensure that those who engage in carelessness, recklessness, wrongful conduct, or negligence are held responsible for their actions.  At Andersen & Linthorst, our
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Also serving Ashland, Jacksonville, Applegate, White City, Central Point, Eagle Point, Klamath Falls, and people all over the State of Oregon