Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Grants Pass, OR 
If you have sustained a catastrophic injury, seek help from a Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyer. As consumers, we often put our trust into the products we purchase. When purchasing a product, many do not consider the possibility that they could potentially sustain a serious injury as a result of using the product they purchased. If you have sustained a catastrophic injury, a lawyer in Grants Pass, Oregon may be able to assist you.
If you choose to file a personal injury case, the manufacturer of the injurious product may be held responsible for the harm you have suffered, in the event you used a product that was defective. The Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyers at Andersen & Linthorst may be able to help you navigate the personal injury claims process. The aftermath of an injury caused by another’s negligence or recklessness can feel stressful, painful and lonely. Andersen & Linthorst can partner with you through each step in the process. We have the ability to review your case and help determine the proper recourse for your situation.
What is a catastrophic injury?
You should not have to deal with a catastrophic injury alone. A catastrophic injury is when a person is so severely injured that they are affected either long-term or permanently. The injuries can lead to some type of disability or disfigurement of some area of the body. Not only are the injuries painful, but the recovery process for catastrophic injuries is not easy. If you have a catastrophic injury, you may need surgeries, hospital stays, physical therapy, speech therapy, or other types of medical treatment or an in-home nurse. To speak with our attorneys about how we can help you with your catastrophic injury case, please reach out to our office now.
What makes an injury catastrophic?
A catastrophic injury is not the same as a regular personal injury. You may get a broken ankle or a bruised hip from a slip and fall accident, or you may suffer from whiplash after a car accident. While these can be serious and painful injuries, they should not be confused with catastrophic injuries. The biggest difference in the injuries is how debilitating it is. For example, if the victim in a catastrophic injury accident has to have both legs amputated, this clearly impacts how they will live the rest of their life. They will need to go through surgeries, medical treatment, physical therapy, and more. Further, they may need to change their job to one they can actually perform, they may need to remodel their home or move to a place that is wheelchair accessible, and they may be unable to bring in a stable income like they could before the accident.
What are common examples of catastrophic injuries?
Some of the most common examples of catastrophic injuries are:
- Injuries that leave the victim paralyzed
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Amputations
- Extreme burn injuries
How will a catastrophic injury affect my compensation?
Unlike a typical personal injury accident claim, when you are trying to receive compensation for your catastrophic injury accident, you can expect the compensation to be much larger. This is because a catastrophic injury will affect your life more permanently. If you are left with a disability or disfigurement, you can expect an increase in your award.
What are residual injuries?
Catastrophic injuries often leave victims with residual injuries. A common example of a residual injury seen in catastrophic injury patients is scarring. The scarring may be from the accident itself or from the medical repairs after the accident. You and your catastrophic injury lawyer in Grants Pass, Oregon may be able to justify larger damages because of the cosmetic appearance of scarring as well as the painful scar tissue that is likely to form.
Product Liability
When a consumer has access to, purchases, and uses a product that has been made available on the market by a manufacturer, the last thing they may expect is sustaining an injury as a result. Product liability cases can become rather complex in nature because the liability may rest with a number of different parties. As a result, you may be able to work with a Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyer in order to take action against:
- The manufacturer of the product
- The distributor
- The store where the product was purchased
- Any other companies that are part of the manufacturing process
Product liability cases differ from the traditional personal injury case in that the burden of proof lies with the defendant rather than the plaintiff. Meaning, the defendant will be responsible for proving that the product they manufactured or sold to the consumer was not rendered defective due to their negligence.
Who Can Take Action?
In order for you to make a claim against the parties involved in the manufacturing and distribution of the product, you must have sustained harm in some way. In order to prove the harm you have suffered, you and your Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyer may need to utilize the services of an expert witness to attest to some aspect of the case. When considering a potential claim, it is important to understand who may properly file in order to seek restitution for the harm they have suffered. Those who may take action include:
- The person who purchased the product
- Someone who was harmed after using the product (they do not have to own the product in order to take action)
If you believe that you have used a product that was faulty or sustained injuries but are unsure of whether you have a case, it may be necessary to consult with an attorney. Schedule a consultation with a catastrophic injury lawyer in Grants Pass, OR so that we can help determine if taking action is in your best interest.
High Profile Cases
Over the years, there have been a number of high profile product liability cases. Sometimes, when a person is injured or even dies from the use of a product it can garner media attention. This is especially true when several people or injured or the company producing the product has a huge public image to protect. Examples of high profile, product liability cases include:
- Philip Morris Tobacco was ordered to pay $28 million dollars after a woman came forward claiming that use of their products caused lung cancer and addiction
- Owens Corning paid out over a billion dollars for asbestos exposure
- Dow Corning paid over $2 billion dollars to victims whose breast implants ruptured
Facing a case against a big company can feel overwhelming. Andersen & Linthorst can remain by your side throughout the process and help you feel prepared for each step to the legal process you stand to face.
You probably never thought that you would suffer damages from using a product. Facing a product liability case can come with a fair amount of stress, especially if you are holding the manufacturer accountable for their negligence. Our Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyers partner with our clients every step of the way. We are all too familiar with the pain that can result from the use of a defective product. We are here to help you endure the legal process.
Traumatic Brain Injuries and Your Legal Claim
When a person is involved in an accident, such as a car accident or a slip and fall, one of the most dangerous types of injuries they can suffer from is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A concussion is one of the more common types of TBIs and can cause neurological damage that can cause severe physical symptoms over time. Unfortunately, if you do not see a healthcare professional right away after an accident, you may not realize you are suffering from a TBI. When this is the case, your injuries could shift from temporary to permanent.
The attorneys at Andersen & Linthorst encourage you to visit a doctor immediately following a TBI diagnosis or personal injury accident to ensure you get the help you need so that your injuries can heal as quickly and completely as possible. For more information on injuries after a TBI and how your condition may affect your legal options, please consider connecting with a Grants Pass, Oregon catastrophic injury lawyer today.
What is a TBI?
A TBI—traumatic brain injury—generally occurs when a person is affected by some type of accident. During this accident, some type of damage occurs to your brain, whether it is through a fall, a blow, or a quick jolt. When this happens, your brain typically crashes into parts of your skull. Some symptoms of a TBI may include:
- Headache
- Migraines
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Vision Problems
- Confusion
Concussions and Vision Problems
Unfortunately, TBIs are not always obvious. In fact, it may take a significant amount of time for any symptoms to start showing up, including vision problems. This is why it’s so important to see your doctor as soon as possible after you experience an accident involving a head injury. It is also one of the reasons why it is important to speak with a Grants Pass, Oregon catastrophic injury lawyer as soon as you can after your injury is confirmed. As time passes, your legal options may become more restrictive. Common problems with this type of injury include:
- Double Vision
- Problems With Peripheral Vision
- Difficulty Reading
- Headaches When Focusing on Items
- Light Sensitivity
- Blurred Vision
When you do not visit a doctor who specializes in problems involving TBIs, you risk having your symptoms overlooked. However, visiting a doctor can help find the root of the problem so that they can begin giving you the treatment you need and begin building evidence for your personal injury case, if you and your Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyer determine that you have grounds for a potentially successful claim.
If you have suffered a brain injury as a result of an accident, you may be entitled to economic and/or non-economic damages. These “damages” are essentially compensation designed to help “right” the wrong you have suffered. Speaking with an experienced attorney is the best way to ensure that you can make informed decisions about your legal circumstances in the wake of your accident.
Please consider scheduling a risk-free, confidential consultation with a Grants Pass, OR catastrophic injury lawyer from Andersen & Linthorst today.
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"It was an absolute pleasure working with this team. They eased my anxiety every step of the way. They were all very professional, kind, understanding and knowledgeable. I would recommend them to anyone seeking help. Thank you all so much!"
Nichelle Laabs
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If you have been injured and you are not sure what steps to take next, call us. We can help.